The cornerstone of our democracy in the United States of America is the right of citizens to make their wishes known through the election process, yet low income voters, and particularly persons experiencing homelessness, are consistently one of the most poorly represented blocks when it comes to voter turnout, historically having faced numerous barriers across the country which have limited their participation in the election process.
The You Don’t Need a Home to Vote campaign seeks to promote voting access for low income and homeless persons to ensure that people who are economically disadvantaged maintain a voice in shaping their future. This toolkit provides ideas for individuals and organizations interested in helping people experiencing homelessness to overcome the obstacles that have traditionally prevented them from becoming registered, active voters.
Full You Don’t Need a Home to Vote (YDNHV) Campaign Toolkit
One-page Overview of YDNHV Campaign
Registration FAQ’s for Organizations
4 Steps to a Successful Voter Registration Drive
Registration FAQ’s for Voters
4 Steps to Encouraging a Reluctant Voter
Sample Voter Registration Outreach Script
Registering Voters Through Intake
Getting Out the Vote
National and State Resources
Voter Registration Policies by State
Voter Know-Your-Rights Cards:
AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | DC | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY
Many potential homeless and low income voters may not have the appropriate identification documents required by some states to register or to vote. Furthermore, individuals who are experiencing homelessness may lack the resources to educate themselves about candidates or may not be able to get to the polls on Election Day. Many individuals, homeless or otherwise, aren’t even aware that no state requires residents to have a traditional residence in order to vote in elections.
Take Action: Sign this petition to ask for Automatic Voter Registration – this will break down barriers and enfranchise many of our low-income or housing-insecure neighbors!!