Request a Speaker

The Faces of Homelessness Speakers’ Bureau of the National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH) engages a variety of audiences including faith groups, colleges and universities, student organizations, social action service-oriented groups, and corporations. Presentations range from classroom, school assemblies, panel presentations, and employee programs.  We provide virtual and in-person presentations and are in the process of expanding our speakers network nationwide. Please inquire if we have in-person speakers in your area.

Event Guidelines and Information
We follow COVID protocol for our speakers and in-person audiences. Utilizing masks and being fully vaccinated against COVID19 are expectations. Our speakers have experienced unsheltered and sheltered homeless and as change advocates provide personal reflections and insights about homelessness, housing, and emerging issues across the United States.

Dependent on your program format, speakers generally have 15 – 20 minutes each with opportunity for audience discussion and questions and answers.

Each speaker receives a $100 honorarium per hour.

Program Fee
We ask that groups provide a program administration fee to the National Coalition for the Homeless of $50 to bring the Faces of Homelessness Speakers’ Bureau to your group.

Outreach Activity Fee
Groups can request a volunteer, outreach or service activity engaging unsheltered or sheltered neighbors. This can involve making and/or handing out Care Bags to volunteering at a local organization. This fee is assessed according to activity.

Payment Options
NCH will send an invoice via email to your group once the request form is received and event is scheduled. Payment is expected upon receipt of the invoice and can be made via check or credit card charge via Stripe below, or the main donation portal at All honoraria ($100 per hour for speaker) and the program fee ($50 per event) must be included in one check or credit card payment made out to the National Coalition for the Homeless c/o Speakers’ Bureau and include event invoice number. Please fill in the check memo section with: Speakers’ Bureau and invoice number.

Sponsoring groups cover the cost of travel and lodging for in-person events.

Become a Member/Make a Donation
If your organization would like to support the work of the National Coalition for the Homeless, you can do so by becoming a member or by making a donation. More can be found on the NCH website (

Cancellation Policy
To cancel a presentation, please do so in writing by contacting the Speakers’ Bureau at at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled time of the event. There are no refunds. Paid invoices of cancellations will be applied to a rescheduled event. Your name in the field below and signature are consent to the terms of this agreement.

Mailing Address(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Would you object to our speaker(s) making a request for donations at the end of our presentation?(Required)
Contact Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY