National Solidarity Sleepout

Over ½ of people experiencing homelessness in the US are unsheltered. In one of the wealthiest countries in the world, this is unacceptable. 

No one should go without housing, and we have the resources to ensure everyone has a safe place to live. 

Homelessness is solvable. Everyone deserves a home. 

The National Solidarity Sleepout is a chance for us to raise awareness and show solidarity with our neighbors who are forced to live without safe housing. We encourage peaceful protest and awareness events.

We aim to have at least 582,462 participants – the same number of those counted in 2022 as homeless by the HUD Point in Time count. We want our unhoused neighbors to know that we see them and care about them. We believe everyone deserves a home, and we can make this happen with the resources our country has.

Event Ideas

Here are some possible events you could hold in solidarity with our unhoused neighbors. The National Coalition for the Homeless encourages peaceful and non-violent actions, ensuring that events adhere to all appropriate local ordinances and permitting.

  • Set up a tent with your family, talk with kids about what it feels like to not have a home
  • Invite your local elected officials or neighbors to a Potluck in your back yard to just talk about homelessness
  • Find resources for further discussion

  • Grab some water, food, and/or toiletries (here is a possible list of needed items) to take to an encampment or someone who is living outdoors in your neighborhood or city.
  • Introduce yourself, get to know your unhoused neighbor.