On Saturday, September 29th to 30th, the Capitol Hilton Hotel became the epicenter of change and transformation! For the first time since 2002, the National Coalition for the Homeless held a conference in Washington, DC, marking the gathering of those with recent homeless experience together with lawmakers and federal agencies. Through a whirlwind of networking, spellbinding storytelling, inspiring artistry, and dynamic collaboration, attendees discussed action steps toward truly ending homelessness in America.
Guest Spotlight

The 2023 Leadership Conference was moderated by individuals with firsthand experience with homelessness. Our generous sponsors had guaranteed the participation of a minimum of 100 advocates from across the country, all of whom had personal experience with homelessness, enabling them to travel to Washington, DC for this pivotal summit.

Photo Gallery
The 2023 Leadership Conference was held at the Hilton Capitol Hill, located just a few blocks away from both Union Station and the U.S. Capitol. The standard meeting agenda spanned from 9 AM to 5 PM EST, complemented by supplementary networking activities scheduled for the evening of September 29th. The conference crescendoed with an Awards Ceremony on the evening of September 30th. You can obtain the 2023 Leadership Conference brochure to gain a comprehensive view of the program guide and the featured speakers.