Share your Story

Local Power Tour story collection

Please share your thoughts and experiences to help shape national policy to end homelessness! We respect and protect your privacy at all times. Any personal details you provide will only be shared publicly with your express permission.

(please provide your State or Zip Code so we can understand the area in which you are located)
Are any of the following criminalization or discriminatory practices affecting your community?
Are there successes you can share?
Are you a member of the National Coalition for the Homeless?
Learn more about membership here:
***By uploading, you agree to allow NCH to use images on its website, social media profiles, and in marketing materials.***
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, mp4, Max. file size: 500 MB, Max. files: 10.
    (Examples include: other issues your community is facing, ways NCH can support your community, personal experiences, or events)