The Bring America Home NOW (BAHN) Campaign, spearheaded by the National Coalition for the Homeless, is a comprehensive grassroots campaign to end homelessness in the U.S. Led by people who have themselves experienced homelessness, the campaign focuses on the passage of federal legislation aimed at addressing the interconnected solutions to the decades-long epidemic of homelessness in the United States.
Click below to visit the campaign’s official website.
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We are reaching out to partners to join us in our campaign to end homelessness through a comprehensive, multifaceted push for increased public awareness and successful legislation. We especially seek involvement from organizations led by people who have themselves experienced homelessness.
The Crisis
In the richest country in the world, more than 500,000 Americans are homeless each night, with millions more experiencing homelessness through the course of each year.
» People of color—particularly Black Americans and Native Americans—experience homelessness at dramatically higher rates than their white peers, even when compared to the proportions of those living in poverty. As a result, people of color have limited access to opportunities for wealth accumulation.
» In fact, in no county in the U.S. can a household afford a two-bedroom unit (i.e., not paying more than 30% of income) on the minimum wage or Social Security/Disability.
» Millions of Americans experiencing homelessness remain uninsured, with limited access to health care and behavioral health services. » The stock of housing affordable to those at the lowest incomes has been slashed by more than 80% over the past 50 years. » Homelessness has too often been viewed as a personal failure, rather than a societal one.
» Federal policy to address homelessness has been overly incremental in nature, attending to the most obvious symptoms while ignoring the root causes. The result has been a complete neglect of large-scale, systemic, and lasting solutions.